Day 5 - When to lie low

I forgot to take the time to lie low, so I ended up burned out. That was back in 2004. Unfortunatly I didn't get the proper help in time, so I ended up on a disability pension.

I had to learn how to be selfish by making ”me-time” whenever I need it. For me, most of the time it just entitles peace and quiet, no noise to disturb my time with me and just BE ….....and breath :)
Going for a walk 1-2 times a day can also be "me-time".

In our society today everything is going so fast. I asked my oldest daughter what she does to relax. I remember when she was young, she liked to go for a walk out to the beach and sit down reflecting over whatever it was that needed to be solved. But her answer today was, meeting a girlfriend on a café. So I said, okay, that sounds nice, it's good that you can take the time to meet up in person for a couple of hours. But when do you spend time with just you and your thoughts? No internet, no tv, no books, not surrounded by other know, with nothing to take your focus off on you?
This is how I relax now, she said.

It's like we are afraid of being alone with our thoughts, because, what if we start questioning things that we do that takes up so much of our time each day. Things that suck the energy right out of us. Then we would need to make a change and that takes effort. Better to stay in the hectic, zoombie like state that is our every day life.

Sadly, what I have learned is, that most of the time it takes something very serious to wake people up to see that they need to slow down. And by then, it can be too late. So finding time to lie low is one of the most important things you can do for yourself.

"The art of stopping time" will hopefully give you the tools to learn how to do just that.


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