Day 11 - Dream time

I've always had very vivid dreams and no problems remembering them when I woke up. Until about 18 months ago, where there was a shift in the energies. Nothing but negative things happend to us or around us after that, like being jinxed or something. But the weird thing is, I haven't remembered a dream since then either. A lot of cleaning up is going on I believe, but I miss the dreams sometimes.
Never payed much attention to what the dreams were about though, except for those 2 times where I woke up cause the smell of death was so strong. It wasn't that I was scared, just the smell that was so overwhelming I had a hard time breathing.

Pedram says to try and think back if it could relate to something that was going on in ones life at the same time, but I can't recall. He also suggest to write a dream journal along with a diary. Then it will be easier to see if it relates to something going on here and now, or if it can be ruled out as a present sign.

Sound like a plan and also something that I would like to do more about. I am actually looking into what might help lifting this negative state and remember them again. So that's actually interesting :)


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