Day 1. Assembling your life garden.

Looking at your life as a garden is just another way of looking at it. Wich plants need extra care, what brings you joy and good energy and what drains you.

Since I have done quite a bit of ”weeding out” in what steals away my energy etc., several times, I think I will look at this from another angle this time. Since I don't have a busy work life or big on social stuff, it's not important for me to get more ”time” out of this.
The main reason why I broke down with stress was that I have always put others first. And finally my mind and body closed down. So this gongs focus has to be on myself.

To do things that give me energy on a daily basis, like
  • Chigong exercises and Reiki selfhealing
  • long walks in nature
  • meditate
  • writing a journal/diary
  • Doing this 100 Days Gong!


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