Day 18 – Deceleration time

Deceleration = slowing down to allow for sleep.

When I was younger I loved to read in bed as a way of slowing down before sleep. But I can't remember if my sleep was better or worse because of it. But on the other hand, I didn't get to bed very late either and I think I was pretty good at managing my time during the day. The need for routines was nessecary in the house as my husband (a man at sea) was away for 3-4 weeks at a time, so me and our 2 girls needed to have a daily routine for our selves.

The most important routine was not going to bed to late and up again with enough time to have a good start in the morning. The few times when I have been running late because the alarmclock failed, messed up the whole

I never understood the placing of the tv in the bedroom. Never had one there and never will. Even the light from a clockradio is actually a stimulation that the brain could do without. But again, we are so very different in how we are affected by technology and some are sadly so addicted already :(

Pedram writes: ”Blueshifted lights on our screens, upbeat music, countless electronics, and mental stimulation are suffocating the quiet darkness of the night. Caffeine after 2 p.m. Doesn't help either. We live in a world that is crowding out the peaceful energy of the nighttime hours. It is on you to bring this balance back into your life.”

Pay closer attention to what you are doing 3-4 hours prior to bedtime. I'm still a big reader, but in the evening, it's only a romance or something similar, no heavy stuff that makes the mind go into work too much ;-)

Todays work is also to do some mild stretching ann when in bed, to focus on the breath and step by step mentally go over your body and make each part relax :)

Have a restful sleep :)


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