
Some of the side effects from the meds is extreme dryness in mouth and nose and all my senses are working overtime. That means I'm very sensitive to smell and test. Topping that with nausea, eating isn't always easy. So I tend to skip my meals and just grab something in between. Not the healthiest way, I know. I have the sweetest husband who has taken over making dinner when he is home and he makes sure there are leftovers put in the freezer for me for when he's away for work every 2 weeks. I haven't been good at eating the meals, but now that is also going to change. So far I've had dinner EVERY day since he left about a week ago :)


  1. does chewing gum help with dry mouth? You could also try using a neti pot to irrigate your nose and sinuses.

    hope you will be eating better too, lots of warm quilt hugs, sue in CA

  2. Hi Sue :)
    Yes it does! I have never in my life chewed so much gum as I do
    Don't know what a neti pot is, but I have a nosespray that's actually just some oil to moist a bit.
    I still have gotten my hot meal EVERY day, so I've been a good girl ;-)
    Hugs back!


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