Day 22 – Time to digest

When you lead a busy life, the meals can often be the ones that doesn't get the most attention and care. So it saves time to pick up some fastfood on the way and then heat up something in the microwave for dinner …. and your digestion will in the long run, not be your friend :/

I've picked up my shares of pizza until I began to be more aware about my food. And the idea of having my meal zinged with microvawes is one of the biggest reasons why I never eat out.

But todays challenge is to really focus on your meal, where does everything on your plate come from, how is the texture, what does is taste like etc. …. and be thankful.

It reminded me of a lecture I was attending a few years back. It involved a raisin. That was one of the most intens experiences I've had and made a hugh impact on how I saw what food I was eating. All participants recieved one single raisin. I can not recall every step, but we started by smelling it, then put it between our lips, not tasting it yet, just holding it there and observing the feel of it and the anticipation of what the next step would be. We kept it in our mouth on the tounge, moving it around etc. to feel the texture and the first taste of it. When we got to the point of actually biting into that one tiny little rasin it was an explosion of taste all of a sudden. The senses was working on overdrive.....amazing ….lol So instead of getting a handful of raisins that we would just have tossed into our mouth, chew a few times and then swallow, the fulfillment of how we observed that one little raisin was actually enough to satisfy our sweet tooth in that moment. I don't think I could do this with any kind of junkfood or sweets.

I can not imagine spending that much time on each and everything that I eat, but I think it is worth trying now and then, to be more aware of what you put into your mouth (body) and getting that focus back and keeping the digestion working as it should :)


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